Raiz Cuadrada De 40

Raiz Cuadrada De 40

**Raiz Cuadrada De 40** is the process of finding the square root of a number. In this case, the square root of 40 is 6.3. **What is the square root of 40?** The square root of 40 is 6.3.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. Sebutkan pendapat amin raiz mengenai pemerintah demokrasi

Demokrasi adalah salah satu bentuk pemerintahan  dalam sebuah negara dalam kekuasaan pemerintahannya berasal dari rakyat, baik secar langsung atau secara perwakilan.

2. soal geografi.jelaskan pengertian peta menurut M.bintarto dan Edwin raiz....bobot 15​


- Menurut M. Bintarto (1988)

Peta merupakan gambaran permukaan bumi dengan skala tertentu, digambar pada bidang datar melalui sistem proyeksi tertentu.

- Menurut Erwin Raisz (1948)

Peta adalah gambaran konvensional dari kenampakan muka bumi yang diperkecil seperti ketampakannya kalau dilihat vertikal dari atas, dibuat pada bidang datar dan ditambah tulisan-tulisan sebagai penjelas.

3. 07 Wanti : Why aren't you doing the exercise ?Raiz : Because l...А.am not understandingВ.am not understandC.don't understandingD.don't understand​


B.am not undertand


D.don't understand ?


D.don't understand

4. Pada tahun 2001 PT RAIZ membeli sebidang tanah yang mengandung sumber alam dengan harga Rp20.000.000,- yang ditaksir berisi 2.000.000 ton. Sebelum dioperasikan telah dikeluarkan biaya pengembangan sebesar Rp1.000.000,- dan ditaksir nilai tanah setelah isi tambang digali laku dijual Rp500.000,-. Pada tahun 2017 digali 70.000 ton. Tahun 2018 dikeluarkan biaya pengembangan sebesar Rp2.000.000,- dan setelah digali sebanyak 110.000 ton ternyata taksiran isi tambang masih 950.000 ton lagi. Diminta : Hutunglah deplesi untuk tahun 2017 dan 2018

¤ Deplesi ¤

Deplesi perton pada tahun pertama yaitu

= 21.000.000 - 500.000 / 2.000.000

= 10,25

Total deplesi tahun pertama

= 10,25 • 70.000.000

= 717.500

Perhitungan diselesaikan pada tabel

5. Activity 6Read the text aloud.In pairs, answer the questions that follow.When the Sun was younger, it rose more quickly and sped faster across the sky than it does now. A boy called Maui heard his older brothers complain about how this meant there wasn't enough sunlight during the day. There was never enough light to hunt fish, and do jobs, no matter how early they woke up. Maui thought deeply about this. Then, one night as his brothers sat around the fire complaining as usual, he said, "I can tame the Sun." They laughed "Muay, don't make a joke!" said one of them. "You will be burnt. It is too big and powerful No one can tame the Sun." He continued, "Listen, go and collects as muchflax as you possibly can. Then, I will show you," said Muai. His brothers were so curious and they collected a huge mound of flax. Muai showed them how to plait it into long, strong ropes. He then tied these together into a gigantic net. He said, "Follow me."For days they walked eastward. They found the cave from which the Sun would rise next morning and they covered the entrance with their net. Then, Muai made them plaster themselves in wet clay and hide. Soon they saw the first glimmer of light from the cave and felt the scorching heat. The brothers shook with fear as the blinding furnace rose up, but the clay kept them cool. Then, Maui shouted, "Pull!" The mighty net trapped the Sun. The Sun was furious. It struggled and roared Maui ran towards the Sun. "Whatare you doing with me?" roared the Sun even louder. "You must understand You go too fast across the sky,We need more hours of light to work," said Muai. "Well" sighed the Sun, "you have made me so weak thatI can only go slowly now, I promise." Muai released the ropes and the Sun rose slowly into the sky. His brothers and the other tribesmen smiled at young Muai. They were proud of him. To this day, the Sun crossed the sky at a slow pace, giving us time to do all our works.Activity 5Listen and repeatRead the words with correct pronunciation.What do they mean?You will read the words in Activity 6.1. to tame /tu teim/ =2. to rise /tu raiz/ = 3. powerful /'pau.0.f(a)l/ =4. mound /maund/ =5. flax /flæks/ =6. curious /'kjur.i.əs/ =7. glimmer /'glm.a(r)/ =8. scorching /'skort/in/ =9. furnace /'f3(r):.nis/ =10. clay /klei/ =THANKS FOR WATCHING​



1. Menjinakkan

2. Naik, terbit

3. Kuat

4. Gundukan

5. Rami

6. Ingin tahu

7. Cahaya redup, suram, samar-samar

8. Terik

9. Tungku, perapian

10. Lumpur, tanah liat

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