4/6 The Regal Authority Figure

4/6 The Regal Authority Figure

The Regal Authority Figure is a type of leadership style that emphasizes upholding principles and standards, and providing a sense of stability and order. It is characterized by a strong focus on rules, a traditional approach to decision making, and an emphasis on setting clear expectations and holding people accountable for their actions. **Question: How does the Regal Authority Figure approach decision making?** The Regal Authority Figure takes a traditional approach to decision making, emphasizing rules and setting clear expectations.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. what is the president authority? ​

Dalam bahasa indonesia:

>Memegang kekuasaan pemerintahan menurut UUD

>Memegang kekuasaan yang tertinggi atas Angkatan Darat, Angkatan Laut, dan Angkatan Udara

>Mengajukan Rancangan Undang-Undang kepada Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR). Presiden melakukan pembahasan dan pemberian persetujuan atas RUU bersama DPR serta mengesahkan RUU menjadi UU.

>Menetapkan Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang (dalam kegentingan yang memaksa)

>Menetapkan Peraturan Pemerintah

>Mengangkat dan memberhentikan menteri-menteri

>Menyatakan perang, membuat perdamaian dan perjanjian dengan negara lain dengan persetujuan DPR

>Membuat perjanjian internasional lainnya dengan persetujuan DPR

>Menyatakan keadaan bahaya.

>Mengangkat duta dan konsul. Dalam mengangkat duta, Presiden memperhatikan pertimbangan DPR

>Menerima penempatan duta negara lain dengan memperhatikan pertimbangan DPR.

>Memberi grasi dan rehabilitasi dengan memperhatikan pertimbangan Mahkamah Agung

>Memberi remisi, amnesti dan abolisi dengan memperhatikan pertimbangan DPR

>Memberi gelar, tanda jasa, dan tanda kehormatan lainnya yang diatur dengan UU

>Meresmikan anggota Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan yang dipilih oleh DPR dengan memperhatikan pertimbangan Dewan Perwakilan Daerah

Menetapkan hakim agung dari calon yang diusulkan oleh Komisi Yudisial dan disetujui DPR

>Menetapkan hakim konstitusi dari calon yang diusulkan Presiden, DPR, dan Mahkamah Agung

>Mengangkat dan memberhentikan anggota Komisi Yudisial dengan persetujuan DPR.

Dalam bahasa inggris:

>Hold government authority according to the Constitution

>Holds the highest authority over the Army, Navy and Air Force

>Submitting a Draft Law to the House of Representatives (DPR). The President discussed and gave approval to the bill with the House of >Representatives and passed the bill into law.

>Establishing Substitution Government Regulations (in compulsive crises)

>Establish Government Regulations

>Appoint and dismiss ministers

Declare war, make peace and agreements with other countries with the approval of the DPR

>Make other international agreements with the approval of the DPR

>State danger.

>Appoint ambassadors and consuls. In appointing ambassadors, the President paid attention to the DPR's consideration

>Receive placement of ambassadors from other countries by taking into account the consideration of the DPR

>Giving clemency and rehabilitation taking into account the consideration of the Supreme Court

>Give remissions, amnesty and abolition by taking into account the DPR's considerations

>Give titles, merit, and other honors that are regulated by law

Inaugurate the members of the >Supreme Audit Board selected by the DPR by taking into account the considerations of the Regional Representatives Council

>Determine the Chief Justice of the candidate proposed by the Judicial Commission and approved by the DPR

>Establish constitutional justices from candidates proposed by the President, Parliament and Supreme Court

>Appoint and dismiss members of the Judicial Commission with the approval of the DPR.


2. 1.the school authority should enlarge the canteen​


maaf itu nanya artinya atau gimana?

kalau nanya artinya:


3. 1.What is the best title of the text? 2.When wae the figure in the text born? 3.When did the figure start to make software? 4.When did the figure make Facebook? 5.Mention the

No text was provided(23/4/2020/10:29pm)

By reading number 4, I'm assuming the text is about Mark Zuckerberg.


2. May 14, 1984

3. January 11, 2004

4. Feburary 4, 2004

4. Find the area of the figure​



persegi panjang

panjang p = 10 m

lebar l = 6 m


alas a = lebar persegi panjang = 6 m

tingg t = 7 cm

luas persegi panjang

= p x l

= 6 m x 10 m

= 60 m²

luas segitiga

= /2 x alas x tinggi

= 1/2 x 6 x 7

= 21 cm²

luas gabungan = 60 m² + 21 m² = 81 m²

5. The perimeter of the figure is . . . .



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

lihat gambar di atas

Keliling bangun tersebut adalah 15

6. 4.mr.president...the authority abaut this government lastmontha.makeb.madec.makingd.makes

mr.president MADE the authority about this government last month

7. thefigureABCDis similar to thefigure EFGh6cmlIscm13cmgcmlengthof EE iS... comThea. 6b.gc.12dis​


ini matematika atau bhsa inggris?


aduh maaf soal ini terlalu sulit untuk dimengerti

8. regal membeli baju seharga Rp 25,000 per buah jika regal membeli 1lusin baju seharga 300,000 dan regal menjual seharga 1,000,000 apakah regal untung/rugi carilah keuntungan/keruguiannya​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Hb = 300.000/ 12 buah

Hj = 1.000.000/12 buah

jadi Regal untung 700.000/12 buah

9. In the figure, 4 quadrants, each of radius 2 m, are removed from a rectangle. Find(i) the perimeter(ii) the area,of the remaining figure.​


1. perimeter= 28.56 m/28.6m

II. 50. 44 m2

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


9-4= 5


5 + 3.14 + 3 + 3.14+ 5+ 3.14 + 3 + 3.14

= 28.56 m

Kalau di rounded off:

= 28. 6 m


3+2+2=7 (breadth) total area = 9x7 = 63 m 2

a= 22/7 x 4

a= 3.14

total area - 3.14 x 4

63 - 3.14 - 3.14 - 3.14 - 3.14

= 50.44 m2

semoga membantu

maaf klo salah

10. what is the people consultative assembly (MPR) authority? ​

The People's Consultative Assembly or Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (MPR) is one of the state bodies in the Indonesian constitutional system. ... The structure of the MPR is different from the Congress of the United States of America, which consists of the Sen- ate and the House of Representatives

the authority of people consultative assembly (MPR) :

~Change and set 1945 constitution of republic Indonesia (uud 1945).

~Inaugurate president and vice president.

~Dissmiss president and vice president.

from book "The authority of MPR"


11. Find the permeter of the figure

2 x ( 4 + 8 )

= 2 x 12

= 24 cm

semoga benar

2×(8 cm + 4 cm)

2×(16 cm + 8 cm)


maaf kalo salah

12. Which sektor of the company often deals with the authority

Which sektor of the company often deals with tge authority

Gak tau

13. in the figure, 4 quadrants, each of radius 2 m, are removed from a rectangle. find the perimeter and the area of the figure​



Kok yang nanya pakai Bahasa Inggris ya?

14. Find the perimeter of the figure !​


K set lingkaran = 3,14 × 13 = 40,82 cm

K total = 3 + 5 + 15 + 40,82 = 63,82 cm

15. In the figure ABCD, AC is perpendicular to BD. AE=2 m, CE=6 m and BE=DE=3 m. Find the area of the shaded figure.​

Luas ABD = 0,5x BDxAE = 0,5x6x2 = 6m²

Luas BCD = 0,5xBDxEC = 0,5x6x6=18m²

Luas total = 6+18= 24m²

16. the are of the figure

it's the same as 1 circle

I hope this helps

17. The perimeter of the figure is . . . .

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Perimeter = keliling

Keliling = 10 + 3 + 5 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 3 =28m

18. The figure is formed using 4 semicircle. Find the perimeter of the shaded part

nilai keliling dan luas lingkaran dari :

21 cm : keliling dan luas lingkaran adalah 132 cm dan 1386 cm².

21 cm : keliling dan luas lingkaran adalah 66 cm dan 346,5 cm².

21 cm : keliling dan luas lingkaran adalah 75,36 cm dan 452,16 cm².

19. When the maluku island return to dutch authority


Kapan pulau Maluku kembali ke otoritas Belanda

20. The figure is made up of a square and trapezium. The perimeter of the figure is 60 cm. Find the area of the figure. Use the steps.​


The area of the figure is 188 cm².

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Form that figure, we know that A and C are both squares. Therefore, the length of the rightmost side of the figure is 8 cm.

Let s be the length of C’s sides.

Given that the perimeter of the figure is 60 cm, we can get:

(14 + 2×8 + 3s) cm = 60 cm

⇔ 14 + 16 + 3s = 60

⇔ 30 + 3s = 60

⇔ 3s = 60 – 30

⇔ 3s = 30

⇔ s = 30/3

s = 10 cm

Let A be the area of the figure, we can find:

A = the sum of all areas

⇔ A = area of square A + area of trapezium

⇔ A = s² + ½(base+top)×height

⇔ A = 10² + ½(14+8)×8

⇔ A = 100 + 11×8

⇔ A = 100 + 88

A = 188 cm²


∴  The area of the figure is 188 cm².

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