Defender Of The Cones Game

Defender Of The Cones Game

Introduction to Defender of the Cones Game

What is the Defender of the Cones Game?

Defender of the Cones is an exciting and challenging game that combines strategy and dexterity. Players take turns rolling a die and moving their pieces along the board, while defending their cones from being knocked off. The first player to successfully defend all of their cones is the winner.

How to Play the Game

The game is played on a square board with six cones in the center. Each player takes turns rolling the die and choosing a direction to move their pieces. The pieces can move in a straight line, diagonally, or move two spaces in any direction. The goal of the game is to defend your cones from being knocked off by your opponent's pieces.


At the end of each turn, the player can attempt to knock off the opposing player's cones. If the player succeeds in knocking off their opponent's cones, they are awarded one point. The first player to reach five points wins the game.
Strategies and Tips
Defender of the Cones is a game of strategy and planning. It is important to think ahead and plan your moves carefully. It is also important to be aware of your opponent's pieces and anticipate their next move. Additionally, it is important to try to block off your opponent's pieces and protect your cones.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. Three identical cones each have a radius of 50 and a height of 120. The cones are placed so that their circular bases are touching each other. A sphere is placed so that it rests in the space created by the three cones, as shown. If the top of the sphere is level with the tops of the cones, then the radius of the sphere is closest to…a. 38,9b. 38,5c. 38,7d. 38,3e. 38,1​



ga bisa basa engres

2. The volumes of two similar cones are 36pi cm and 288 cm. The base radius of the smaller cone is 3cm. Calculate the base radius of the larger cone.

English Version,
Lets calculate where the smallest cone that can be known from thair volume.
For 36π cm² = 113.04 cm²
So, can be proved that the smaller cone is from 36π cm²
By reinput the cone volume formula, get: (With r = 3)
[tex]36\pi =\frac{1}{3}\pi r^2t \\ 36=\frac{1}{3}r^2 t \\ 108=r^2t \\ 108=(3)^2t \\ 108=9t \\ t=108:9 \\ t=12$ cm[/tex]
With the information:
The second volume:
[tex]288=\frac{1}{3}\pi r^2 t \\ 288=\frac{1}{3}\times\pi\times r\times 12 \\ 288=4\pi r^2 \\ 72=\pi r^2 \\ r^2=\frac{72}{\pi} \\\\ r=\sqrt{\frac{72}{\pi}}\approx 4,789$ cm$[/tex]

3. Apa itu law of the game?

Law of the game artinya adalah Hukum permainan

4. the name of the game is


game apaan yang dimaksud?


enggak ada gambar nya ya

5. berikan komentarmu tntang rule of the game

hukum tentang game?

6. ice cream - eat - three - cones - of - you. tolong di susun​


Ice cream - eat - three - cones - of - you.


You eat three cones of ice cream


Dari soal acak tersebut terdiri dari subject (You) Verb 1 (eat) maka gunakan Rumus Present Tense

(+) S + VERB 1 (-s/es) + O

= you + eat + three cones of ice cream

(Kamu makan 3 ice cream)

=== Semoga Membantu ===

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas: SMP

Materi: Present Tense

Kode Mapel: 5

7. berikan komentar tentang rule of the game

jawabannya adalah dengan rule of the game kita dapat kebebasan berpikir dan mengeluarkan pendapat diatur meskipun pada dasarnya manusia bebas berpikir dan berpendapat , tetapi kita tudak boleh merpergunakan hak dengan sewenang wenang , oleh karna itu rule of the game ( peraturan permainan ) dan patokan ×2 dalam pergaulan hdup bersma. semoga bermanfaat.

8. The game of baseball is almost similar to the game of... A. Volleyball B. basketball C. Football D. Kippers




maaf kalo salah

kalo bener boleh bikin jawaban tercerdas gk

kalo gk mau gkpp:))

9. The game was ________ because of the heavy rain.​


Canceled (dibatalkan)

Jawaban : The game was cancelled because of the heavy rain

10. then explain the meaning of the game of basketball and what is the purpose of the game # tolong di bantu ya plissss​


The main objective of the game of basketball is to make the value possible by putting the ball in the opponent's ring (basket), as well as avoiding retaliation. ... Basketball games are teamed, so this sport will naturally train the same team.


Tujuan utama permainan bola basket adalah membuat nilai yang mungkin dengan memasukkan bola ke ring (keranjang) lawan, serta menghindari balas nilai. ... Permainan bola basket dilakukan beregu, maka olahraga ini tentu saja akan melatih tim yang sama.

11. Pengertian rule of the game

Yang dimaksud dari rule of the game adalah instruksi/arahan/peraturan dari sebuah permainanYang dimaksud dari rule of the game adalah instruksi/arahan/peraturan dari sebuah permainan.

12. Bentuk plural dari the instructor explains the rules of the game


the instructors explain the rules of the game

13. What are the rules of hompimpa game??



Apa aturan main hompimpa??

inggris:What are the rules of hompimpa game??



Para pemain melakukan hompimpa. Para pemain yang menghadap ke arah yang sama dengan jumlah sedikit akan keluar meninggalkan permainan, biasanya dianggap menang. Proses itu dilakukan berulang-ulang hingga hanya terdapat dua pemain. Biasanya, mereka melakukan suten (suit) untuk menentukan siapa yang keluar permainan.


The players do hompimpa. The players facing the same direction with the fewest numbers will leave the game, usually deemed to have won. This process is repeated until there are only two players. Usually, they do a suten (suit) to determine who exits the game.

14. berikan komentarmu tentang rule of the game

dapat merusak mata yang sehatdapat mengganggu kesehatan karena sering bermain game

jawabanya sinonim game B. Playc.competition.........

16. berikan komentar tentang rule of the game

Rule of the game itu kan artinya perjanjian/ syarat - syarat dalam permainan.rule of the game berarti aturan dalam sebuah permainan. Kita harus menaati peraturan dalam permainan tersebut, jika kita melanggar, maka kita akan terkena sanksi, seperti diskualifikasi atau lain sebagainya.

17. apa yang dimaksud dengan istilah the best of three game?


Istilah The best of three game adalah istilah format pertandingan untuk menentukan pemenang dari tiga gim, set atau pertandingan yang harus dilakukan oleh tim-tim yang terlibat didalamnya.


Istilah best of three cukup sering digunakan dalam beberapa cabang olahraga untuk menentukan pemenangnya. Dalam pertandingan dengan format tersebut, kedua tim yang tampil harus bertanding sebanyak tiga kali atau dalam tiga game / set. Tim atau pemain yang berhasil menang 2 kali dari 3 laga/ gim atau set, maka merekalah yang berhak menjadi pemenang.

Format bertanding best of three game sering dipakai oleh beberapa cabang olahraga seperti tenis, hoki es, baseball bisa juga olahraga catur.

Dalam tenis misalnya, pemain harus memenangkan 2 dari 3 set yang dimainkan. Misalnya jika pemain A unggul atas pemain B di set pertama 6-1, namun kalah di set kedua 3-6, dan set terakhir menjadi penentu. Siapapun yang unggul berhak menjadi pemenang. Namun jika dalam 3 set, pemain A sudah unggul di dua set awal yang memastikan kemenangan dalam sistem best of three, maka set ketiga tidak perlu dimainkan.

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Sistem best of three game

Detail jawaban:

Kelas: SMP

Mapel: Penjaskes

Kategori: sistem pertandingan


Kata kunci: best of three games

18. tolong kak kasih instruction of the game​




A game is a structured form of play, usually undertaken for entertainment or fun, and sometimes used as an educational tool.[1] Games are distinct from work, which is usually carried out for remuneration, and from art, which is more often an expression of aesthetic or ideological elements. However, the distinction is not clear-cut, and many games are also considered to be work (such as professional players of spectator sports or games) or art (such as jigsaw puzzles or games involving an artistic layout such as Mahjong, solitaire, or some video games).

Games are sometimes played purely for enjoyment, sometimes for achievement or reward as well. They can be played alone, in teams, or online; by amateurs or by professionals. The players may have an audience of non-players, such as when people are entertained by watching a chess championship. On the other hand, players in a game may constitute their own audience as they take their turn to play. Often, part of the entertainment for children playing a game is deciding who is part of their audience and who is a player.

Key components of games are goals, rules, challenge, and interaction. Games generally involve mental or physical stimulation, and often both. Many games help develop practical skills, serve as a form of exercise, or otherwise perform an educational, simulational, or psychological role.

Attested as early as 2600 BC,[2][3] games are a universal part of human experience and present in all cultures. The Royal Game of Ur, Senet, and Mancala are some of the oldest known games.[4]

19. What are the rules of hompimpa game


Hompimpa' can only be done by a minimum of three participants. The way to do this is to say 'Hompimpa alaium gambreng' together. Simultaneously, each participant's hand is swung up and down and left and right simultaneously.

artinya Hompimpa' hanya bisa dilakukan minimal oleh tiga orang peserta. Cara melakukannya yaitu dengan mengucapkan 'Hompimpa alaium gambreng' secara bersama-sama. Bersamaan dengan itu, masing-masing tangan peserta diayunkan ke atas-bawah dan ke kanan-kiri secara bersama-sama pula.


Minimum of three

Rule of play:

Hompimpa is a way to determine turn in a game by using palm of hands. It is done by a minimum of three players. If there are only two players, the draw is done by doing the fingers counting.

20. If height of two cones are in the ratio 1:4 and radii of their bales are in ratio 4:1 ,then the ra tio of their volume is

volume of cone = ⅓ π r² t

volume of cone A = ⅓ π 4² 1
volume of cone A = 16/3 π

volume of cone B = ⅓ π 1² 4
volume of cone B = 4/3 π

so the ratio of cone A's volume to cone B's volume

[tex] \frac{ \frac{16}{3}\pi }{ \frac{4}{3} \pi} = \frac{16}{3} \times \frac{3}{4} = \frac{4}{1} [/tex]
4 : 1
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