27 Divided By 7

27 Divided By 7

Introduction to 27 Divided by 7

What is 27 Divided by 7?

27 Divided by 7 is a basic math operation used to calculate the quotient of two numbers. It is a division problem that results in a single number. In this case, 27 is the dividend and 7 is the divisor.

Why Do We Divide 27 by 7?

Dividing 27 by 7 is a useful operation that can be applied to a variety of situations. It is often used to determine how many times a number can be divided by another number. For example, if you have 27 apples and you want to divide them evenly among 7 people, then you can use 27 divided by 7 to calculate that each person should receive 3 apples.

How Do We Divide 27 by 7?

To solve the division problem 27 divided by 7, you can either use long division or a calculator. With long division, you will need to divide the dividend (27) by the divisor (7) and then find the quotient (3). With a calculator, you can simply enter 27 divided by 7 and the calculator will give you the result.


27 Divided by 7 is a basic math operation used to calculate the quotient of two numbers. It is an important operation that can be used to determine how many times a number can be divided by another number. The answer to 27 divided by 7 is 3.

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Questions and Answers:

1. 7 divided by 18repeating fraction.

Subject : Mathematic
About : Divided
7 divided by 18 mean .....
7 : 18
= 7 / 18
= 0,388¯

-Prisco[tex] \frac{7}{18} [/tex]

Iterasi pertama,
[tex] \frac{18}{7} = 2+\frac{4}{7} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{1}{2+\frac{4}{7}} [/tex]

Iterasi kedua,
[tex] \frac{7}{4}=1+\frac{3}{4}[/tex]

[tex] \frac{1}{2+\frac{1}{1+\frac{3}{4}}} [/tex]

Iterasi ketiga,
[tex] \frac{4}{3} = 1+\frac{1}{3} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{1}{2+\frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{3}}}} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{7}{18} = \frac{1}{2+\frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{3}}}} [/tex]

2. THE REmainder 841 divided by 7 is.....

the remainder 841 divided by 7 is

sisa 841 dibagi 7 adalah= 120,14

3. what is 100 divided by 10 multiplication by 100 divided by 50



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga bermanfaat ya


berapakah 100 dibagi 10 dikalikan 100 dibagi 50=20

maaf klo salah

4. sixty divided by fifteen equal​


60 : 15 = 4

Divided : dibagi


enam puluh dibagi lima belas sama dengan


60 : 15 = 4

so sixty divided by fifteen equals four

5. forty divided by eighet is.... ​


40 : 8 = 5. (empat puluh dibagi delapan)

the answer is five



semoga membantu ❣️

6. thirty divided by ten is...


thirty divided by ten is... arti dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah tigapuluhdibagi sepuluhadalahtiga(three)


semoga membantu ✨


tigahpuluh dibagi sepuluh

7. 16. 45: 15 = ...A Forty five divided by fifteenB. Four five divided by one fiveC. Forty five divided by fiveteenD. Fourteen five divided by fifteen​


A. Fourty five divided by fifteen


45 dalam bahasa Inggris adalah Fourty Five

15 dalam bahasa Inggris adalah Fifteen

catatan: angka belasan dalam bahasa Inggris menggunakan Teen, dan angka puluhan dalam bahasa Inggris menggunakan Ty di belakang angka/kata pertama.


8. fifty divided by two is

the answer is twenty fivefifty divided by two is a twenty five

9. Fifty divided by five is

Jawaban: Ten

Penjelasan: 50 ÷ 5 = 10

10. seventy-two divided by twelve is


Six = Enam


Seventy-two = 72

Twelve = 12

Divided = Dibagi

By = Dengan

= 72 ÷ 12

= 6

Semoga membantu :)

11. Forty five divided by five is ....​

45 : 5 = 9

the answer is nine

12. a naturan number n has remainder 1 when divided by 5. it also has remainder 2 when divided by 6, 4 when divided by 8 and 2 when divided by 9. what is the smalles value of n?

four dedid by eight is one devided by two

13. ___ divided by 4 is 7 reminder 3translate :___ dibagi 4 adalah 7 pengingat 3tolong dibantu​


x ÷ 4 = 7

x = 7 × 4

x = 28

Semoga Membantu


x = x ÷ 4 = 7

x = 4 × 7

x = 28


x = x ÷ 4 = 7

x = 28 ÷ 4 = 7

x = 28[Terbukti]

14. Ten divided by two equals to​


Ten divided by two equals to five.

Sepuluh dibagi dua sama dengan lima


Semoga membantu:)


Ten divided by two equals to five (lima)


pertama, kita artikan satu persatu ya..

ten = 10 (sepuluh)

divided by = dibagi oleh

two = 2 (dua)

equals to.. = sama dengan...?

10 : 2 = 5.

sepuluh dibagi dua sama dengan lima.

so, (maka),

Ten divided by two equals to five (lima)

jadi jawabannya adalah FIVE (LIMA).


semoga membantu ^^jadikan jawaban terbaik / tercerdas, ya!

15. 786.4 divided by 0.6 = ?


786,4 divided by 0,6 = 1.311

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

786,4 : 0,6 = 7864/10 : 6/10

=7864/10 x 10/6=78640 /60

=7864/6 = 1.310,67 =1.311

Hope it helps and not wrong

16. sixty nine divided by seventy is​

Answer: there is no.



17. One hundred divided by ......... is five


divided by 20 ,


Seratus dibagi dengan ........ adalah


18. ten divided by two is

ten divided by two is fiveten divided two is five...

19. Divided 33 by 11 multiply by 7 add 10 and subject 16 left

33 : 11 x 7 + 10 - 16 = 21 + 10 - 16 = 31 - 16 = 15
the answer is fifteenseharusnya Subject ---> substract 

33 : 11 × 7 + 10 - 16 = 15

semoga membantu ^^

20. Twenty divided by four is

itu artinya 20 dibagi 4 hasilnya 5five. semoga bisa membantu
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