Test That Assumption At Your Convenience

Test That Assumption At Your Convenience

Test That Assumption At Your Convenience

What is an Assumption?

An assumption is an unstated belief or expectation about the way things should be, or the way people should behave. It is often based on past experiences, personal values, and cultural norms.

Why Test Assumptions?

Testing assumptions is important because it allows us to challenge our existing beliefs and to find out if they are valid. It can also help us to understand the underlying motivations behind people’s decisions and to find more effective solutions to problems.

How to Test Assumptions

There are a few different ways to test assumptions. The first is to collect data and analyze it to see if it supports or contradicts the assumption. The second is to ask questions and gather feedback from people with different perspectives and experiences. The third is to carry out experiments to test the assumption in a controlled environment.

The Benefits of Testing Assumptions

Testing assumptions can help to reduce bias and improve decision-making. It can also help to uncover new opportunities and generate creative solutions. Finally, it can provide valuable insights into the behavior and motivations of different stakeholders.
Tips for Testing Assumptions
When testing assumptions, it’s important to be open-minded and to challenge your own beliefs. It’s also important to be mindful of the context and to consider any potential unintended consequences. Finally, it’s important to be patient and to give yourself enough time to gather the necessary data and feedback.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. It is assumed that you agree with the assumption that language is the everyday spoken utterance of the average person at normal speed. What techniques may do you develop from the assumption?



Diasumsikan bahwa Anda setuju dengan asumsi bahwa bahasa adalah ucapan sehari-hari dari rata-rata orang dengan kecepatan normal. Teknik apa yang mungkin Anda kembangkan dari asumsi tersebut?

2. I will be happy to meet you at your convenience and discuss how my education and experience match your need .....


saya bersedia bertemu dengan Anda kapan saja untuk membahas kualifikasi saya


semoga membantu

3. look at your test English your point is bad you(study).....hard​


look at your test English your point is bad you have to study hard


have to study hard


lihat tes poin bahasa inggris mu,poin mu sangat buruk ,kmu harus belajar lebih keras


smoga membantu trimksihh(♡˙︶˙♡)

4. i wil be happy to meet you at your... and discuss how mt education and experience match your needs. you can reach at my home address a. confidentb. convenientc. conveniencesd. convenience ​


the answer is b. convenient, sorry if I'm wrong

5. dialog bahasa inggris you see that your brother is preparing himself for university entrance test

keep studying hard and pray for your trust good luck!

6. situationYour meet your friend at 8 am In the market then your friend tells you a good news that your friend hear you that you get the highhest mark in english test then you say gratitude to your friend the care well partingtolong buat in dialog 2 orang dgn situasi diatas

A : Hi, how are you doing in here ???
B : I'm buying some fruits
A : Ohh I'm buying some fruits, too
B : I hear you get the highhest mark in english test
A : Whattt ??? Really ???? Thank you for telling me about this.
B : You are welcome. CongratulationsMapel : Bahasa Inggris
Materi : Dialog Singkat

Bana : Hi, good morning Bina, what are you doing here?

Bina : Hi, good morning too, Bana, i'm here for buying some food.What about you?

Bana : My mom ask me to buy her some stocks of food, and accidentally i meet you here.

Bina : Oh, i see.Do you know?, you got the highest mark in English test yesterday!.Congratulations my friend!.

Bana : Wah, thank you for tell me about that. I can teach you a lot about English with me then.

Bina : Sure, why not. But i think it's already late. I will buying those food again. Good bye Bana.

Bana : Alright, good bye, too.

Semoga membantu.
Don't give up!.

7. IQ testyour mom and your that get in troble. your mom in the sea and your dad on the fire.if you chosse your mom or your that, who are you gonna chosse?​

If you have a brother you can save mom and dad
Semoga membantu

Jawaban:If you have a brother you can save mom and dad

Semoga membantu

8. Ao dai is not ussually worn at work because it is ____ (convenience)

maaf klo salh

9. "i am very happy that i get A for my english test" your respond is​


"Congratulations on your grades, you did a good job"

Semoga membantu

10. Your teacher is in front of the class. She asks all students to listen to her announcement about a biology test next week. Your friend thinks that the test will be difficult. Your teacher :... Your friend :... Your teacher :... Your friend :...

Your teacher : attention please, the test will be held next week, i asked you to prepare yourself.
Your friend : wow, the test must be difficult for me.
Your teacher :. that's why, i asked you to prepare yourself...
Your friend : yes,maam. thank you

11. You tell your that there will be english test tomorrow


There will be and english test tomorrow, i should study hard for it

12. congratulation! you got the highest score at mathematic test. your parent must be..... of you​




Congratulation! You got the highest score at mathematic test. Your parent must be..... of you​

Selamat! Kamu mendapat nilai matematika tertinggi di ujian. Orang tuamu pasti bangga kepada mu.

Mengapa bangga? Karena jika seseorang mendapat suatu yang istimewa, pasti kerabat dekatnya bangga.

Expressing congratulaiton :

1. Congratulation!

2. Congrats!

3. Congratulation on your....

4. I must be proud of you because you...

5. You deserve to....

6. Etc

Hope it helps

13. well,i'ii take that movie ia awassome that as positive test testimony i'ii watch that movie too tonight thanks for your opinion tolong ​


Baiklah, saya ambil film itu, saya awassome bahwa sebagai kesaksian tes positif saya akan menonton film itu juga malam ini terima kasih atas pendapat Anda


Baiklah, saya anggap film itu luar biasa sehingga sebagai kesaksian yang bagus saya akan menonton film itu juga malam ini terima kasih atas pendapat Anda


14. Tolong Ya, Makasih ! Speaking Dialog. your teacher is in front of the class. she asks all students to listen to her announcement about a biology test next week. your friend thinks that test will be diffcult. Your teacher : . . . Your friend : . . . Your teacher : . . . Your friend : . . .

Teacher: Next week, we will do test.
Friend: I think that would be difficult ma'am
Teacher: No, If you study seriously.
Friend: Okay,I'll try ma'am
Maaf bipa ada kesalahan

15. express your felling when you know that your friend has scored high in a math test

express feeling : I'm so proud of you my friend, great job, congrats to youcongratulationn on your highest math score. you deverse it.

16. ...... your test number on your paper

kayaknya ada pilihan antara
1. Write
2. Put
3. Fill
-Silahkan dipilih :v
(menurut saya sih WRITE) how many numbers are there on your test paper

17. Contoh dialog the expression of sadness "your english teacher told you that your score in the last test is really bad"

Teacher : "Clark, did you study last night?"
Clark : "Yes teacher, what's the matter?"
Teacher : "I hate to say this but your score is E. "
Clark : "What!? I don't believe you!"
Teacher : "If you studied last night, you wouldn't get score like this, and don't try to lie to your teacher."
Clark : "Ok, in the next exam, I'll study hard."
Teacher : "That's a smart boy."

Semoga membantu :)

18. You will take an English test tomorrow. Your mom hopes that you get good score. She also says that you can do the best for your test because you have studied hard.You said thanks to your mom. How would the conversation go ?​


You : Mom, I will take an English test tomorrow.

Mom : That's a good thing, dear. Well, I hope you will get a good score. I've seen you study so hard yesterday, I think you can do the best for your test.

You : Thank you, Mom.


Soalnya sudah menjelaskan keadaannya sebagai berikut dalam bahasa Indonesia : Kamu akan mengikuti tes/ulangan bahasa Inggris besok. Ibumu berharap kamu mendapat nilai yang bagus. Dia juga berkata kamu bisa melakukan yang terbaik untuk tes/ulangan karena kamu sudah belajar dengan rajin. kamu bilang terimakasih kepada ibumu.

Lalu, kita disuruh membuat percakapan berdasarkan keadaan yang sudah disebutkan di atas. Dialog bahasa inggrisnya bisa dilihat di atas ya. Dibawah saya cantumkan terjemahan dari dialog yang sudah saya buat :

 Kamu : "Ma, aku akan mengikuti tes bahasa Inggris besok."

 Mom : "Itu hal yang bagus, sayang. Yah, mama harap kamu akan

             mendapatkan nilai yang bagus. Mama sudah melihat kamu belajar

             begitu keras kemarin, mama pikir kamu dapat melakukan yang

             terbaik untuk ujian kamu."

 Kamu : "Terimakasih, Mama.

(Sekian, semoga membantu. Rajin rajin ya belajarnyaa ! Semoga benar deh.

Maaciw, bye bye.)

19. Do you know that Gita got 100 at English test??

really?it's amazing!!

20. 8. Postulant (asumsi dasar) akuntansi yangmenyebutkan bahwa suatu perusahaanakan beroperasi terus menerus dan tidakakan dilikuidasi untuk jangka waktu yangtidak terbatas adalah ....a. Economic entity assumptionb. Going concern assumptionc. Monetary unit assumptiond. Accrual accounting assumptione. Accounting period assumption​


kalau ga salah

B.Going concern assumption

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