Play The Man Master Ridley

Play The Man Master Ridley

Play The Man Master Ridley is an exciting play about the life of a master swordsman named Ridley. This play follows Ridley's journey as he faces his own fears and battles against an array of enemies. It is a story about redemption, courage, and the power of friendship. **What is the main theme of the play?** The main theme of the play is courage and redemption.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. create dialog fot the one of situations given below. using role-play approach, reenact the conversation with your calssmates postman : what is this ? a letter addressed to god. hahahhaa.. i have show this letter to the postmaster post master : yes, what is it ? .. post man : .. post master : .. post man :

the post master:You can write it yourself. make the sender believe that you're a god
post man: how i can do it, master?
postmaster: tell him that god accept his letter
postman:allright, sir

2. Kapan Master Ip Man lahir

IP MAN atau IP KAI MAN , lahir di Fosan , guangdong , china , 1 OKTOBER 1893 - meninggal di HONG KONG , 2 Desember 1972 pada umur 79 TAHUN.


3. Head Master is a man Who...​

Jawaban:control people who he slaved



A headmaster is a man who is the headteacher of a school.

4. 1.The man can play Football well2. Billy is good in baskeball3.Both of thern can play musical intrument4. The man is good in cooking5. Billy cannot Fix computer.tolong jawab skrng mau dikumpulkan terima kasih:)​








sorry ya klo salah


Maaf Kak Tidak Ada Dialog/Cerita Yang Menceritakan Tentang Mereka


Biasanya Kalo Pertannyaan Seperti Itu Ada Cerita/Dialog Yang Menceritakan Tentang Mereka/Tokohnya

5. 6. (+) (-) (?)Should the man tell the truth?7. (+) (-)Mother Would not come to the party (?)8. (+) (-) (?)Had they better play hardly?​


6. (+) the man should tell the truth

(-) the man should not tell the trurth

7 (+) mother would come to the party

(?) would mother come to the party?

8 (+) the had better play hardly

(-) they din't had better play hardly


6. (+) The man should tell the truth

(-) The man shouldn't (should not) tell the truth

7. (+) Mother would come to the party.

(?) Would mother come to the party?

8. (+) They had better play hardly.

(-) They had not better play hardly.

Semoga membantu ^^

6. Who man 10k play in znation movies

SUPERMAN NIT NOT THEN ON ME....Siapa orang 10k main di znation movies

7. 1. Woman: Oh, it's so sweet. Man : What do you mean? Woman: Look at the man! He gave the crying child a toy to play with. Man : He is such a nice guy. Which noun phrase uses to-infinitive as modifier? A. The man. D. A nice guy. B. The crying child. E. So sweet. C. A toy to play with.




jujur kurang yakin, tapi kl to infinitive itu buat indikasiin tujuan dari suati aksi, jd itu si nice guy ngasi mainan ke anaknya buat main

8. 1.What are the ladies abilities?2.can she play the instrument ?3. what can the man do for the ladies ?4. what are the man abilities ?5. do they have abilities? do they willing to help each other ? ​


1. Apa kemampuan wanita? 2. bisakah dia memainkan alat musik? 3. apa yang bisa dilakukan pria untuk wanita? 4. apa kemampuan pria itu? 5. apakah mereka memiliki kemampuan? apakah mereka bersedia membantu satu sama lain?

9. The man writes the letters. The letters by the man.​


The man writes the letter

Jadi diubah ke passive voice

The letter is written by the man

Kata kerja pada passive voice simple present akan diubah menjadi verb 3

Semoga bermanfaat

The letters is written by the man


Tugas 1: mainkan permainan orang aneh di bawah ini adalah daftar kata yang berkaitan dengan tujuan wisata. Mari kita bermain orang aneh keluar permainan. Mainkan permainan ini dalam kelompok empat orang. Cari kata yang tidak termasuk kategori yang sama seperti kata-kata lain dalam kelompok yang sama. Kata itu adalah kata yang aneh. Cross out or circle the word and explain your reason. Lihatlah contoh. Bersaing dengan kelompok lain untuk menyelesaikan permainan ini.

11. the trumpet - she - play - can.The best arrangement is ...a. she the trumpet can playb. the trumpet can't play shec. she can't play the trumpetd. she can play the trumpete. the trumpet can play shetolong dijawab​





D. she can play the trumpet

12. apakah sumbangan H.N Ridley​



Beliau memperkenalkan teknik torehan sistem ibedem atau sistem torehan tulang ikan hering. Teknik ini mampu memanjangkan hayat pokok getah.

13. 4 . what did the rich man always critize the poor man for? 5. why did the rich man critize the poor man?

because the rich man doesn't like the poor man, thats because the poor one got nothin, and the rich one had everything. the rich one thinks that he was way above the poor one in economy sector.

14. Choose the corect verbs: - ali paint/paints the wall. - the man keep/keeps the store. - the kid play/plays alone. - Mother iron/irons the clothes. - The child make/makes the doll.


1. Ali paints the wall.

2. The man keeps the store.

3. The kid plays alone.

4. Mother irons the clothes.

5. The child makes the doll.


Subjek Singular menggunakan verb + s

Contoh : Paint(s), Keep(S)


1. paints

2. keeps

3. plays

4. irons

5. makes

15. The children were ________ hide and seek when a man shouted at them playing played play plays




semoga membantu

jangan lupa jadikan jawaban terbaik :)

Playing kak ^^
Semoga bantu yaaa

16. The police man ..... The young man suspicisiously.


The police man chaughThe young man suspicisiously.

17. change sentences from active to passive 1 , the students play football in the school of yard 2 , the post man sends the letter to the someone

1. In the school yard the students play football
2.The letter is sent to someone by the postman
hanya harus dibalik saja kata katanya
sorry kalau salah

18. 1. the the factory for two years. (work)2. the child.................for ten minutes. (take a bath)3. the children...............footbal for there hours. (play)​



2.taking a bath /taking a shower


Hopefully Useful.

19. Create dialogue for the one of situation given below. Using role-ply approach, reenact the conversation with your classmates. Situation No.1: Post man : What is this? A letter addressed to GOD. Hahaha.... i have to show this letter to postmaster. Post master :Yes, what is it? Post man : Post master : Post man : Situation No.2 : Postmaster wants to convince his immediate subordinates and friend to contribute money for Rancho. Post master : Subordinates : Post master : Friends : Subordinates : Friends : Post master :

Situation No.1: Post man : What is this? A letter addressed to GOD. Hahaha.... i have to show this letter to postmaster. Post master :Yes, what is it? Post man : Sir, would you look at this! Post master : a message to GOD? How weird! But.. I don't care! Send it! Perhaps, he has something important to say. Post man : W-WHAT?! Send this? I have to die first to get there!  Situation No.2 : Postmaster wants to convince his immediate subordinates and friend to contribute money for Rancho. Post master : My dear subordinates, come here! I have something important to say! Subordinates : Yes, sir! What is it, sir? Post master : I need all of your contribution for Rancho? Friends : Nachos?? Subordinates : Rancho!0 Friends : Ooooh, okay. Here's the money (lend 100 credit cards) Post master : Thanks a lot.

20. he is the man... man in the villlage​


c. He is the bravest man in the village

- karena ada kata "in the vilage"


he is the manliest man in the villlage


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Superlative dari kata sifat "manly".

"dia adalah pria paling jantan di desa"

Dalam bentuk superlatif, jika kata sifat berakhiran huruf -y maka bentuk superlatifnya menjadi -iest, contohnya "manly" menjadi "manliest".

Semoga membantu ya.

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