How To Pronounce Tranquility

How To Pronounce Tranquility

Pronouncing tranquility is fairly straightforward. It is pronounced as "tran-kwil-ih-tee". The emphasis should be placed on the first syllable, "tran", and the last syllable, "tee".

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two point ninety eight

tuw poin nainti eit


Maaf kalau salah, Semoga membantu

two hundred ninety eight

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That's how you pronounce it.

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bagaimana cara mengucapkan arsip


itu artinya ya

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cara pronouncenya 'double u'

semoga membantu

cara pronounce "W", lebih gampang nya jadi "double you"

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bisakah aku melihat bersamamu

By : 아이젠

Arti Dari Kata "Can With Me I See You​" Adalah Bisakah Denganku Aku Melihatmu.


Can With Me I See You =

Can = BisaWith = DenganMe = AkuI = SayaSee = LihatYou = Kamu

= Bisakah Denganku Aku Melihatmu


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C. Mais

Hope it could help :)

7. how do you pronounce this word artinya​



-bagaimana kamu mengucapkan kata ini?

Artinya adalah bagaimana kamu mengucapkatan kata ini

8. a.How do you pronounce these?17-8-1945b. 11-11-2011Answer:.....​


a. 17-8-1945

The seventeenth day of August, one thousand nine hundred and forty-five

b. 11-11-2011

Eleventh November of the year two thousand and eleven

9. how do you pronounce papayas? A. (papaia) B. (pepaie) C. (papeia) D. (pepaiez)


10. terjemah tranquility​






11. your teacher is going to play the cd .pronounce the words correctly​


Gurumu sedang memainkan cd. Ucapkan kata-katanya dengan benar

semoga bermanfaat

maaf kalau salah

12. Type a difficult word to pronounce then explain the meaning.


English version :

-perspective: point of view; view

- Conventions: consensus or agreement (especially regarding customs, traditions, etc.)

- Patriarchy: the behavior of prioritizing men over women in a particular society or social group

- Hierarchy: order of levels or levels of position (rank of position)

- Grammar: grammar

- Affirmation: positive determination; affirmation; confirmation

- Discrimination: differentiation of treatment of fellow citizens (based on skin color, class, ethnicity, economy, religion, etc.)

- Internalization: appreciation

- Marginalization: limiting effort

- Transfer: move or switch places.

versi Indonesia :

Perspektif : sudut pandang; pandangan

- Konvensi : permufakatan atau kesepakatan (terutama mengenai adat, tradisi, dan sebagainya)

- Patriarki : perilaku mengutamakan laki-laki daripada perempuan dalam masyarakat atau kelompok sosial tertentu

- Hierarki : urutan tingkatan atau jenjang jabatan (pangkat kedudukan)

- Gramatika : tata bahasa

- Afirmasi : penetapan yang positif; penegasan; peneguhan

- Diskriminasi : pembedaan perlakuan terhadap sesama warga negara (berdasarkan warna kulit, golongan, suku, ekonomi, agama, dan sebagainya)

- Internalisasi : penghayatan

- Marginalisasi : usaha membatasi

- Transfer : pindah atau beralih tempat.


13. How to pronounce 6,853 in English​


6,853 = six thousand, eight hundred fifty three

#Maaf kalo ada kesalahan #Semoga membantu

six thousand eight hundred and fifty three

Maaf Klo slh

14. berilah masing-masing 10 kalimat - Personal Pronounce - Possesive Pronounce - Reflexcive Pronounce

- personal pronounce :
the team atiek and i
got the appreciation
Diana invited her best friend
i would be very happy if you

- possesive pronounce :
this is hers
i like yours
Mine has worn out
they are using ours
yours are on the table

- reflexcive pronounce :

15. match the words in column a with their appropriate meanings in column b and learn how to pronounce it.TOLONG DI JAWAB YA JANGAN ASAL ASALAN YA JAWABNYA SECEPATNYA

1. i
2. k
3. h
4. c
5. b
6. j
7. a
8. f
9. d
10. g
11. i
12. m
13. e

16. ACE ENGLISH English privat goure privat course contact susan/ daniel What do you get? Phone : 0856.1234.567 1. How to pronounce words correctly < english privat pronouncietion> 2. How to speak English well < English Grammar> 3. Practice English Expressions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pertanyaan : 1. who is this advertisement wrriten for 2. The advertisement is intended for 3. The close meaning of the word pronounce is Tolong bantu jawab

1.for the general public
2. invite people or student to tutor at that place

17. Write down how to pronounce adjective words and numbers below 1. He is a (handsome) man, she is a (beautiful) girl

pronounce ???= cara mengucapkan

he is a (handsome(hen/sem)) , she is a (beautiful(byu/di/ful) girl

18. How do you pronounce the following wordsnationwideinitiativeinvolvementhonor





19. how should I pronounce"..." artinya​


bagaimana saya harus mengucapkan

20. how do you pronounce mango? A. (mangeu) B. (mangeuz) C. (mango) D. (mangu)

jawaban'nya adalah C. Mangomangeu
smg membantu ya

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