This Is Our Youth Male Monologue

This Is Our Youth Male Monologue

This Is Our Youth Male Monologue is a dramatic play written by Kenneth Lonergan, which focuses on the lives and struggles of a group of privileged, disaffected youth in New York City in the early 1980s. It follows three young people who are struggling to find their place in a world that is rapidly changing around them. The play explores themes of identity, morality, and loss of innocence, as the characters grapple with their own personal and societal issues. **What does the play explore?** The play explores themes of identity, morality, and loss of innocence, as the characters grapple with their own personal and societal issues.

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Questions and Answers:

1. Make a monologue about "cheating during the tests is not good for our student"​


Make a monologue about "cheating during the tests is not good for our student"


Buatlah monolog tentang “mencontek saat ulangan tidak baik untuk siswa kita


"You, the new student, seem smart, don't you?" mocked Indah, class president. Likewise, other friends mocked Dita as a master cheater.

"I don't cheat, really! I do it myself!" Dita objected while suppressing her fear. "Lies! The proof is, when you sat in the back, your test results were bad!" Beautiful snapped. "Y... But I don't cheat," said

Dita almost cried. "Never mind if there is a thief who wants to confess to his actions," Bambang interrupted in a mocking tone.

"Let's just say, if you really don't cheat, later if there is another test, you have to sit in the back seat over there, and prove that you too can get nine points without Jasmine!" Indah said giving a decision.


"Kamu, siswa baru, rupanya pintar, ya?" ejek Indah, ketua kelas. Begitu pula teman-teman yang lainnya mengejek Dita sebagai penyontek ulung.

"Aku tidak menyontek, sungguh! Aku mengerjakan sendiri!" Sanggah Dita sembari menekan rasa takut. "Bohong! Buktinya, waktu kamu duduk di belakang itu hasil ulanganmu jelek!" bentak Indah. "Ta... Tapi aku tidak menyontek," kata

Dita hampir menangis. "Sudahlah mana ada pencuri mau mengaku atas perbuatannya," sela Bambang dengan nada mengejek.

"Begini saja, kalau kamu memang betul-betul tidak menyontek, nanti kalau ada ulangan lagi, kamu harus duduk di kursi paling belakang sana itu, dan buktikan bahwa kamu pun bisa memperoleh nilai sembilan tanpa Melati!" ujar Indah memberi keputusan.

moga membantu

2. IS THIS GRAMATICALLY CORRECT? On this project, we were assigned to ask a second conditional question to 2 students (a male and female) from class 7A, 7B, 7C, 8A, 8B, 9A, 9B, each of our parents, and 2 of our teachers (a male and female).

Yes, this is Gramatically Correct

3. what is the monologue ?

Monologue is a long speech by one actor in a play or movie, or as part of a theatrical or broadcast program.

4. apa arti dari this is giraffe we see at the is male and it is about six meters tall

ini jerapah kita melihat di kebun binatang ini laki laki dan ini panjangnya 5 meter
semoga membantu maaf kalau salah ini adalah jerapah yg kita lihat di kebun binatang. dia lelaki dan tingginya sekitar 6 meter

5. Whats is the monologue about?

monologue is talk by self

monolog is scientific term derived from mono which means 1 and log which means science and teach about art

6. what is the monologue about the missing watch

One day I went to work for the office. after I got there I forgot to bring my watch , good thing I brought mobile phones . after working in the office I go home and I'm looking at my watch . I did not find it, then I ask to my wife " where my watch ? " then my wife said " I do not know where ? you try to find " I will a bit sorry because it watches my prize . every day after coming home from work I was looking at my watch was missing. until finally I was desperate and I bought a new watch .

7. who is the speaker of the monologue ?

the speaker is A single-character most often to express their mental thoughts aloud, though sometimes also to directly address another character or the audience. 

8. when is the youth pledge day​


28 October 1928


youth pledge day=Hari sumpah pemuda

9. What picture is described in the monologue?

gambar mana yang dideskripsikan di monolog?

10. Date.Page.what is the purpose of the monologue?​




apa tujuan monolog?


Percakapan monolog bisa dilakukan seorang tokoh dengan dirinya sendiri melalui cermin, atau percakapan dengan dirinya sendiri di dalam hati yang berbunyi. Monolog berfungsi sebagai penegasan keinginan atau harapan tokoh terhadap sesuatu hal. ... Monolog merupakan ilmu terapan yang mempelajari tentang seni peran.

11. in wath month do we celebrate our youth pledge day


We celebrate our youth pledge day in October.

semoga membantu##

12. what is the monologue about the missing watch

One day I went to work for the office. after I got there I forgot to bring my watch , good thing I brought mobile phones . after working in the office I go home and I'm looking at my watch . I did not find it, then I ask to my wife " where my watch ? " then my wife said " I do not know where ? you try to find " I will a bit sorry because it watches my prize . every day after coming home from work I was looking at my watch was missing. until finally I was desperate and I bought a new watch .

13. is the cat male or female​


apakah kucing itu jantan atau betina

depending on gender. if more generally use IT to refer to animals or objects. because you have to look closely to know if the animal is male or female

14. the male part of flower is???​


Hai teman, Vila bantu jawab yaa

The male part of flower is stamens

(bagian jantan dari bunga ialah benang sari)

Semoga membantu ^^

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15. What is the topic of the monologue


Some monologue topics are employment, education, health and the environment. Using monologue topics that are general enough to have plenty to talk about is important, especially if given the task of having to make up a monologue, which is a common practice in speaking tests



16. What is the definition of monologue

A long speech by one person

A monologue is a conversation of a person with himself.

A monologue in the theatre arts is staging a role performed by one player/alone.

Good luck :)

17. what is the monologue about?

A monolog is a speech delivered by one person, or a long one-sided conversation that makes you want to pull your hair out from boredom. The Greek root word monologos translates to "speaking alone", and that's a monologue : one person doing all the talking

Monolog adalah pidato yang disampaikan oleh satu orang, atau percakapan sepihak yang membuat Anda ingin menarik rambut keluar dari kebosanan. Kata dasar Yunani monologos diterjemahkan menjadi "berbicara sendiri," dan itu adalah amonolog: satu orang yang melakukan semua pembicaraan.

18. 10 poin1. What is the monologueabout? *​

Jawaban:tentang apa monolog itu?

Penjelasan:maaf kalo salah maaf kalo salah

19. 1. What animal is being described in the monologue? ​


Monologuenya mana yaa?

monologue itu adalah teks, teksnya dibaca

20. waht is the monologue aubut​


A biography of General Soedirman

What can we infer from the monolugue?

Soedirman died when he was relatively young

When was Soedirman confirmed as military’s commander-in-chief of Indonesian Armed Force?

18 Desember 1945

Where was Soedirman buried?



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